Meet our flock

Farm Fresh Eggs From Happy Chickens

These free-ranged pastured eggs are $5 per dozen.

And you can see our happy chickens just down the driveway, where they’ve got plenty of room to roost and play.

We collect eggs daily, and because they’re unwashed they still have their protective “bloom” so they don’t need to be refrigerated to stay fresh.

You’ll love the taste and nutrition of the bright yellow yolks!

About us

We’re a young family with old-fashioned ideas. We believe:

  • Food grown close to home is fresher and tastes better.
  • You should be able to meet and talk to the people who grow your food.
  • It’s possible to produce great food while regenerating the soil, cleaning the air, and improving biodiversity when you keep everything in balance.

If you see us outside, come say hi!